Thursday, 22 December 2011

2011 (In Less Than A Minute) on Club Penguin + 2012 Sneak Peeks!

Hello Penguins!

There’s no doubt 2011 was a great year for us and Club Penguin but, do you remember it? Club Penguin made a short video for us to remember 2011 in less than a minute. Take a look below…

Amazing! Watching this video reminds me of many things such as my 2 million hits party. Where you there? I had so much fun! Party was a blast and we got over 3 rooms full! There’s no doubt 2011 was a great year. I wonder if we can get 3 million by the end of this year…. If you pay close attention you will also notice at the end of the video Club Penguin shows us a few sneak peek of what’s coming to the island this year. I was able to take a few screenshots and figured out what each “sneak peeks” means. Below, my theories.
      January-Under Water Party:

Everyone knows there’s a new party coming this month and we all know it’s an Underwater Party. My theory is that Klutzy will somehow try to rescue Herbert and will somehow make the west side of the island sink. Could this lead to the rumored blackout? Here, a few sneak peeks:

      February – Puffle Party, Rockhopper Quest, and Blackout?
Yes! Yes! Yes! Cross your fingers, penguins because this might be the best month on Club Penguin’s history! While I was looking through the sneak peeks, I noticed many things. First of all, there will be a Puffle Party just like every year. Apparently, Club Penguin will upgrade the Pet Shop (or maybe create a new room?) and add a Salon for puffles!
Many penguins believe/say the first image is the Ski Lodge but it’s not. Notice how the door is in the right on this “Salon” sketch while in the Ski Village, the door is in the left side. Rumors the sketch above is the “Ski Lodge” are false! Once the Puffle Party is over (or could this be before the Puffle Party?), there just might be a blackout. First of all, I’ve been talking about this blackout for months! Apparently once the Lighthouse sinks there will be no light in Club Penguin and that same month, Rockhopper will arrive to the island to help us restore the Lighthouse (which is why the Club Penguin Magazine Calendar talks about a “Rockhopper Quest.” Could it be this? I hope so!)
Or maybe the Island will sink first, then there will be no light, Herbert might escape, Rockhopper will help us fix it by creating some kind of quest, and once everything is back to normal the Puffle Party! Do you think there might be a new puffle during February? Maybe they will find some kind of underground puffle when the island sinks? I don’t know, I’m just throwing all my ideas here! Do you think the new possible puffle might be related to the salon? Oh my, I can’t wait! Ha ha…

      March – N/A (Or could February only be for the blackout and March for the Puffle Party?)

April – April Fools!

Nothing new here… At the end of the video you can clearly see a sketch of the Snow Forts for the yearly April Fools party. Take a look below…
That’s pretty much it! Club Penguin gave us lots of sneak peeks for the next 4 months. I can’t believe all this stuff is coming out soon. Aren’t you excited? So many mysteries here. I can’t stop thinking… Guess we will have to wait, right? Make sure to leave a comment and let us know what you think!


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