Monday 28 May 2012

Club Penguin Field Ops #83 Cheats

Hello Penguins!
Field Ops are released once a week and today, Club Penguin released a new Field Op! Every time you complete a field op, you will receive a medal to unlock elite gear. To complete the 83th Field Op go to the HQ and waddle to the yellow screen.
Splendiferous, Secret Knights. The Dragon King is defeated. Now we must seal him away! Go to his statue on Dragon Peak, and use thy tools to power the seal. Onward!
Accept your mission and go to the Mountain. Waddle behind Scorn’s statue and wait there until your spy phone turns green.
This time, our mission is to Power up the chipset! Guide your micro battery by remote control. Go from the recharger to the chips. Watch out for traps!
 Once you’ve completed the 83th Field Op, you should receive a new message from… The Director? Sweet!
Well done, Agent. Your actions have been exceptional, given the… circumstances. I expect the island to return to normal now. Stay sharp, and watch out for threats.
Sweet! At last Club Penguin safe! But still, I wonder what he meant by “threats” could Scorn come back for the Marvel party? Hmm…
So what do you think? Make sure to leave a comment and let us know what you think!